We haven't posted any Santogold, nay, Santi in quite some time. And there's no better than the present.

Kick ass mix from Old Money crew. It's awesome, but can't really expend energy right now. Read on as to why my life rules.

Frankly, we don't know how accessible we'll be today. Out til 4:15 in the am doing [read=killing] karaoke for the first time ever, sleeping at a friends apartment, and coming straight to work is awesome. Not to mention the pop into Duane Reade to buy a new shirt, seeing as how I couldn't possibly walk into an office environment with the same donnings as yesterday.

Let's just make sure you got this straight. Duane Reade = new shirt. Only shit that's open at 7:30am. I look chic.

mp3: Santogold - L.E.S. Artistes (Konrad Remix)