I'm going to catch so much hell for posting this...but I'm turning a blind eye/ear to naysayers.

During my sophomore year of college, I befriended two girls who were both ahead of me in age/schooling. Upon first glance, one was an athlete playing for the varsity soccer team, the other, well also a member of said soccer team, but total hippie chick to the max. Handmade patchwork dresses, long Pocahontas-style braids, an intense fear of snakes...you know, completely hippie-fied.

Said hippie, whom we shall call Heidi, was not completely removed from the mainstream scene. As much as she loved sporting her Jerry Garcia hoodie, playing Mama's Gun by Erykah Badu and selling handmade hemp necklaces at Tom Petty concerts, she had vices.

One was the movie Center Stage. Not only could Heidi recite the movie line for line, but she could also do the dances with utter precision.

This bring us to the song in question. Now, I have to admit, after Heidi played it for me, it became a staple of our parties. Maybe it was us trying to convince ourselves that it really was all that good, but even to this day, when I put it on, I can see Heidi, in all her hippie glory, swaggering and swaying around to this.

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you S Club 7 and Don't Stop Movin'.

Now, shut up.

mp3: S Club 7: Don't Stop Movin'