We don't talk about sports on this site, and for good reason. But this post title is true. Although I must root for the "home team" today as me, brother, and sister are headed to the 7:05 game against the Astros. (bday present from sister to brother)

So we compiled a list of sporting themed songs with a bit of a quip for each one. It made sense when we started this last night, and now, it's just gone all wiley out of control. But you're still getting good tunes, so you can co-exist with my ramblings temporarily.

mp3: Crystal Method - Name of the Game
Or should we say Crystal "MET"hod. And it is has "Game" in the title. Damn, we're good.

mp3: Le Tigre - My Metrocard
Again, my "MET"rocard. Which is what I'll need to jump on the 7 and head to Shea.

mp3: The Cardigans - My Favorite Game
It's got "Game"! Did you know that this video was banned for being too controversial? There were 4 different versions, some of which included "driving without a seatbelt", "being decapitacted by the top of a car windscreen and a mannequin head rolling along the road" and "a violent car crash". Who knew these poppy Swedes had it in them?

mp3: Punks Jump Up - Dance to Our Disco (Baseball Furies Remix)
Only song we currently have with "Baseball" anwyhere remotely in the title. (we're moving a bunch of files around, and know there's an Architecture in Helsinki jam floating around one of our hard drives somewhere...)