This post has been a long time coming. A coworker tossed me a cd a ways back and I immediately burned it and let it burn into my brain. It's filled with so much quality orchestration, that not posting about it would simply be a sin. Check out the image/title below (no judgments) and then read below for a little back story on the whole scene.

Vampyros Lesbos was an Italian movie from the late 60's. In the early 90's, East Village dwellers would flock to sleazefest parties named after the movie.

The superb collection within the soundtrack includes tunes taken from three classic Jess Franco horrotica movies; Vampyros Lesbos (1971 - AKA Lesbian Vampires, Las Vampiras, The Heiress of Dracula), She Killed in Ecstasy (1971 - AKA Sie tötete in Ekstase) and Teufel kam aus Akasava (1971 - AKA The Devil Came from Akasava).

These movies have common threads woven throughout. They all star the late actress, Soledad Miranda, who died in a car crash on a Lisbon highway right after being offered a huge contract by Artur Brauner, a major German producer. Each of the movies depict similar storylines: femme fatale vampires seducing and killing women to appease their thirst for female blood. And most importantly, they all have THE grooviest, wildest and sleaziest soundtracks ever composed.

Some of the highlights on the album are below. Let me know what you think.

And then play this at your next swingers party.