In starting up my site, I'm reaching out to those blogs that I have intense admiration for. As I begin to make more "virtual friends" and reestablish connections with those that I've let go by the wayside over the past hectic work year, this will become more of a regular feature. What I'll do is email 6 questions to a fellow music lover and post their answers without editing. (Except in the event of any misspellings...not saying my virt friends are illiterate, because they are not. I just like to keep a clean looking page.)

For now, let's take a look at a recent addition to my daily blog check.

I've always had a great deal of passion for music populating out of Sweden. I'll sing every word and dance along to every Robyn/Lykke Li/September/(and yes, even ABBA) track you could ever throw at me.

But when it comes to the most comprehensive knowledge of all that is Swedish, all that is dance, all that is pop goodness, and all that is on the up and coming hot scale, then you need to look no further than than The Lemur Blog.

Take it away, Lemur...

1. What made you want to start a music blog/when did you start your blog?
It all started in the Autumn of 2006 when I first discovered the ways of downloading music through the internet. It was the start of a change of my musical taste, preferences and perspectives. Mostly just downloading what I had seen on TV or heard in the radio from DC++ I was totally unaware of what was on its way to become one of the most important musical sources. But it didn’t take long before my musical hunger and cultural thirst lead my mind to blogs like Discobelle, Fluokids, Risky Bizniz and was enchanted by the music and culture that had been beyond my consciousness so far. I quickly became the most and only wannabe indie/electro kid in my quiet little town in Sweden. By the time of early spring 2007 my musical perception had grown past the hip electrohouse into a refined, genuine love for the art of sound. I couldn’t stand my isolation. I had to reach out into the world, participate in the music discussion and be a part of what I loved. So I looked at the other blogs once again and said it out loud: I can do that! And on the 11th of April 2007, the goofy little The Lemur Blog was born.
The Lemur's First Post

2. What are your top 5 favorite songs of all time?
I’m sorry but I can’t possibly arrange them in order and it’s quite hard picking but these have got to be my choices:

Marit Bergman – I Will Always Be Your Soldier
In this Swedish pop queen Marit sings about how she will always be her sister’s soldier. It’s about sister to sister love but it could be a metaphor for sibling love as well. The lyrics are one of the best I’ve heard and the music is storming with feelings. Every time I listen to it I dedicate a thought to my beloved sister Jessica.

Nizlopi – JCB
Five year-old Luke is riding away beside his dad in his JCB away from all the bullies and the teachers and their pets. Never has anyone touched me more with a sweet song as this one about father-son relationship which reminds me of the one with my dad, who also drives a big vehicle for work. So I can totally relate to it. Every time I listen to it I dedicate a thought to my beloved dad.

Säkert! – Allt Som Är Ditt
When Swedish Säkert! sings about rape and rapists, there’s no stopping the huge feelings and emotions. When reverend Annika Norlin sings more unrestrained, honest and raw than I’ve ever heard: “Dom jävlarna ska skjutas!” (Those bastards should/will be shot!”) repeatedly all you can do is resign and believe it: this is music.

Salem Al Fakir – Good Song
I can’t tell you enough how much happiness this artist has brought me, especially with this song! It always cheers me up and I never get tired of admiring Salem’s musical genius.

Pacific! – Hot Lips
I don’t need to say any more than pop perfection! Sheer bliss!

3. What is your ideal band formation…can be anyone alive or dead, from any genre. Must include at least a lead singer, lead guitar, bass guitar and drummer. (Bonus points for backup singers/keyboardists. keytarists/etc….)

OK, this should be a potpourri of some of my favorite artists, regardless if they should fit together or not. Gee, this was a tricky one! Björn Synneby from Pacific! as a vocalist with a keytar would be nice. Röyksopp’s unforgettable bassline on Circuit Breaker makes Svein Berge an ideal bass guitarist. Just for the amazing E Talking we have the Dewaele Brothers on lead guitar and drums. Karin Dreijer from The Knife creates magic behind the keyboard. A trio of backup singers consists of Salem Al Fakir, Axl Robach from Whyte Seeds and Lykke Li. Andy Warhol produces. Gaspar and Xavier a.k.a. Justice mixes it. Pete Doherty is somewhere in the back playing tennis.

4. Any other blogs, music or non-music related, that you recommend going to on a regular basis?
Discobelle and Bigstereo always have the latest and best of many things. BiBaBiDi and Aurgasm are great for new discoveries. Hipster Runoff is funny and provocative. Manuel Marino has a fine multicultural touch. That’s just some of those I’d like to recommend!

5. Any guilty pleasure songs that you might not readily admit to liking?
Nope, music is music. But right now I guess some may disagree when I say that Scatman’s Scatman is one of the more memorable mainstream hits of the century, because of Scatman’s moving life story.

6. Who’s next?
Too easy. I know this one. It’s Pacific! And Salem Al Fakir!

Many thanks to Lemur for his awesome knowledge and continued support. Make sure to make your way over to his perch and make reading The Lemur Blog a daily habit!