I don't know how in the world he knows how to read my mind like this, but Immuzikation nailed it AGAIN. I was just talking with a friend yesterday about how much I absolutely love Monifah's song Touch It. And this morning, a nifty gifty sat, waiting, in my inbox.
And in case ya didn't know, Immuzikation plays keys for Kuroma, and they will be playing with Holy Ghost! at the SXSW Mountain Dew Green Label Sound Showcase.
mp3: Holy Ghost! + Monifah - Hold It! (Immuzikation Blend)
1 Response to Holy Ghost! + Monifah - Hold It! (Immuzikation Blend)
Sheena! I saw the post earlier. But it wasn't letting me download, so I thought it was a work firewall issue. It's still saying bandwidth exceeded. Can you post it up again, or send me a link (that sounds demanding, not trynna be). Thanks honey bunches of oats!
Louie from MusicBoxMix
Something to say?