Any excuse to post an Anchorman quote. Sure, why not!

I've been having trouble sleeping, so lately, I throw on my iPod and lay it on down. (which apparently is mad dangerous, seeing as how slumber and cords near necklines don't mix so hot.)

This morning around 2:25am I was slightly jarred from my lucid state when a Yelle track came on, sounding oddly familiar to Je Veux te Voir, I snapped into full consciousness and recognized the song Jogging. (the only decipherable title for me on her album)

I quite fancy the track, so I put on the rest of her album and tried having it lull me to a deep sleep. It didn't work, seeing as how another favorite of mine, Dans Ta Vraie Vie had me shoulder bouncing whilst attempting rem.

So, there you have it. Since I'm awake at ungodly hour, why not make the most of it and share?

mp3: Yelle - Jogging
mp3: Yelle - Dans Ta Vraie Vie