Much as I felt about Goldfrapp the first time I saw them live, was much the same as I felt about seeing Ladytron live tonight.

I died.

Went to heaven. (or hell)

Was resurrected.

And brought back to life again.

It was just that spectacular.

The set list differed slightly from those I've been talking to who have recently seen the magic that is Ladytron. Here's the set list. (as well as an image of the actual list I swiped from the audio tech as soon as the show was finito)

Black Cat
High Rise
I'm Not Scared
True Mathematicians
Season of Illusions
Soft Power
International Dateline
Predict the Day
Deep Blue
Fighting in Built Up Areas
Last One Standing

Burning Up
Destroy Everything You Touch

More visual aesthetics.

They only want you when you're...

...when you're...

I know you...(Discotraxx)...(complete with disco ball and rotating flashing lights)

Ending with Destroy Everything You Touch (even though I already knew that was the encore closer) gave me chills, and much much jubilation.

Also, Debbie Harry was in the audience and Helen Marnie gave her a little shout out.

And...I know I've posted the Hot Chip remix of DEYT before, but here is the original, because it is just that EPIC.

mp3: Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch