One of my guiltiest electropop pleasures over the past 3 or 4 years has been the Swedish group Bodies Without Organs. So, maybe I don't feel so guilty for enjoying.

There are 2 bands which fall in high favor with me in terms of production quality. One is the Carpenters. Without a doubt, that duo knew their stuff. The other is ABBA. Yes, I own every ABBA song ever recorded (either on cd or digitally). Yes, when it comes to production, no one can hold a flame to them. There is never a bad moment to put on an ABBA tune. TRUST.

Given those two treasures are timeless, I have to give a hearty nod to BWO. Much like their Swedish predecessors, BWO strings together synth beats, with an electronica/glam/powerpop feel. When I first heard their song Conquering America two or so years ago, I was instantly hooked. It has a driving beat to support the glamcloud lyrics on top of it.

BWO released their album Fabricator late last fall to little or no fanfare and it's a shame. To remedy that, familiarize yourself with one of my favorite tracks from the album, Last Flight to San Francisco. I'm a sucker for vocoders and SLICK harmonies. You should be too.

(bonus fact: BWO member Alexander Bard was an original member of Army of Lovers. Their song Crucified still gets me moving. And you can tell his AoL influence has carried over to BWO.)