But I'll still loop this around to the music...because I'm a biased post editor.

Just a friendly reminder: Most of the U.S. will turn its clocks ahead one hour Sunday at 2 a.m., taking daylight from the early morning and moving it to the evening.

Losing an hour of sleep is not fun...but look at it this way, when you leave work at 5-6pm, you won't need a flashlight.

Alright, get ready for how I'll cohesively bring this back to the music.

The Daylight Savings practice is observed throughout the country except for Arizona, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas.

Public Enemy, which included the overly lambasted hype-man, Flavor Flav, released the song By The Time I Get to Arizona on their 1991 release Apocalypse 91: The Enemy Strikes Black.

To conclude, we have Daylight Savings, we have Arizona punking out on the practice, we have Public Enemy and a validly awesome song which relates to the whole hourly/stately ritual, and we ultimately have Flavor Flav, a bastion of all that is clocks and time.

Unnecessary yes, but enjoy the song. It's a great one.

Public Enemy - By the Time I Get to Arizona